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Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces, DSI International Inc. is dedicated to making a lasting impact through our campaigns and programs. While our efforts are driven by our organization’s singular focus, we spread a wide net by investing in a variety of progressive strategies. Learn more about our initiatives and get involved yourself.

Our Programs


➢ Know Your Rights Information Seminars & Community Engagement
➢ English Conversation Workshops, Naturalization & Civics Workshops
➢ Evaluations & Referrals for Jobs, Housing, Benefits & other Resources
➢ Individual Consultations and Referrals to Low-Cost Immigration Legal Service Providers
➢ Start by Asking Campaign - an initial stage of evaluation for eligibility for public benefits.
➢ Census2020 - Our aim is to ensure that New Yorkers across the state - particularly marginalized communities in hard-to-count districts – can fully maximize their participation in the 2020 Census.
➢ REMAP - non-partisan Voter Engagement and Education

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➢ GreenLightNY - Equal access to NY driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status. Came into effect in December 2019
➢ NYCOUNTS2020 – Remove the citizenship Question from the Census2020- Supreme Court ruled in our favor and the Citizenship Question will not be added.
➢ The Coverage 4All Campaign- New York State funding that will essentially provide a State Funded Essential Plan to ALL New Yorkers up to 200% of the federal poverty level, regardless of immigration status.
➢ Funding for the Liberty Defense Project to help provide low-cost or free legal services to immigrants in ALL communities.
➢ Temporary Protective Status [TPS]: fighting for permanent status for holders of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) from Somalia, Sudan, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and South Sudan.
➢ Language Access for All African Nations
➢ Career Advancement and Job access to professionals

Image by Katie Moum


Our main objective for this program, is in line with the objectives of the New York City Mayors Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Migration Policy Institute which describes immigrant integration as the process of economic mobility and social inclusion for newcomers and their children which involves mechanisms that promote development and growth within society resulting in stronger communities that are economically and more inclusive socially and culturally.
Our Immigrant Integration Program is usually in the form of Group or Team mentoring at the initial stage and evolving into Traditional mentoring at the point where the Participants have obtained the necessities for settlement.


During our Group/Team Sessions we conduct workshops/activities in the following areas:
a.) Civics Workshops: during these workshops we give basic information on settlement in the United States rights/responsibilities, applying for the necessary documents (social security/work permits), job searches, choosing schools for children, healthcare, finances, housing, transportation and such other services as would make their migration and settlement a more pleasant experience.  These workshops are normally conducted through our Partnership with the Mayors Office of Immigrant Affairs ‘We Speak’ English Conversation Classes which usually run for 10 weeks. During these sessions, we assist participants to obtain the IDNYC which is available to all residents of NYC irrespective of their immigration status. We also assist with library cards, opening bank accounts and other relevant services as may be required by participants.
b.) Immigrants’ Rights & Citizenship Workshops: We conduct “Know Your Rights” informative sessions in partnership with Professionals and organizations with a to view inform immigrants regardless of their status, about their rights and responsibilities as residents and also assisting in preparation for citizenship by naturalization. In addition, on a quarterly basis, we offer citizenship tests prep classes and make referrals to Agencies for English as a second language classes (where applicable). Our workshops are usually conducted in partnership with the United States Citizens Information Services [USCIS] Community Liaison Office.
c.) Legal Services: For our Participants who have legal immigration issues, we make the requisite referrals to Organizations and Professionals approved and accredited by the Department of Justice who can provide services at minimal to no fees to assist them.
d.) Family Summer Activities: for our immigrant families we provide an avenue for fun, exploration and discovery through our summer activities which would include trips to theme parks, historical and educational locations.
As stated above, the LEMP Module is the main one of the 5 Development Programs under DSI International Inc. The other four Programs mentioned below are designed to address a Participant’s specific needs and can be exploited at any time during the relationship.


The SAP is a fun icebreaking activity that at times creates an avenue for the Participant to realize the need and eventually the desire to do something productive and meaningful for themselves.
This Program is designed to provide basic non-formal vocational training to interested participants as an alternative route to a vocational skill. We believe that an introduction to simple vocations like bead making, hat making, decorations and other arts & crafts creates an awareness of our latent abilities and skills that otherwise would not have been discovered.
​If the Participant develops an interest in any of these skills, we encourage him/her to pursue a career in that area by making the necessary recommendations and preparations for licensing or more formal certifications.
In the past we have conducted Bead Making Classes at the beginners and intermediary levels for Participants.

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Under this program, we inspire and empower our participants to consider and pursue the achievement of career and life goals by providing professional development, resources & standards.

For our Participants who have engaged in a professional career in their home countries, we will pair them with mentors in the same profession who would provide the necessary guidance & resources to enable them to obtain the required licensing/certification so as to continue in that career here in the United States, if they so desire. 

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DSI strongly believes that everyone can attain a certain level of comfort with effective and efficient financial management practices. As such, under the “FCD”, we would educate participants on the best basic strategies for successful personal financial management practices.

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Since 2015, DSI has made it a point of duty to find ways to serve the members of the community where services are rendered. To this end, DSI became a Partner with “Feed the Children” and distributes donations from them and other organizations to community members in general. Because of the number of goods received, DSI also distributes some of the goods to other organizations sharing in the ability to distribute to their communities as well.

One of the Services which DSI was involved in is the Start By Asking Campaign which is aimed towards ensuring that Residents of NYC, who qualify for the basic NYC benefits – SNAP, WIC, EITC & CHILDCARE, have the opportunity to apply for these benefits in a hassle-free environment.


We conduct a preliminary screening which requires the candidate to answer 7 basic questions and depending on eligibility, results in a referral to a Community Based Organization that will assist with putting the necessary paperwork together and filing the application for these benefits to be submitted to NYC Public Assistance Offices within the location of the applicant.​Since the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, DSI has on a monthly basis provided for to community members under her 'Food Security Program'. In order to reach the community in their spaces of comfort, the DSI Food Pantry rotates distribution in the 5 boroughs of NYC and Nassau County. Food is mostly culturally relatable to the African and Caribbean communities. 


214-51 Jamaica Avenue 2nd Fl
Queens Village NY 11428



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Phone: +347-257-4244

Fax: +718-217-5202

© DSI International Inc. 2022 

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